Jeppiaar Engineering College,Chennai
ICT Academy organizes Youth Innovation Summit 2018 for the students of higher education.
Jeppiaar Engineering College,Chennai
ICT Academy organizes Youth Innovation Summit 2018 for the students of higher education.
Sri Manakula Vinayagar Engineering College, Puducherry
ICT Academy Youth Entrepreneurship Summit 2018, creates an environment that triggers the spirit of entrepreneurship among the youth and foster their passion towards entrepreneurship.
Sri Krishna College of Engineering & Technology, Coimbatore
Youth are the most important and dynamic segment of the population in any country. It is believed that developing countries with large youth population could see tremendous growth, provided they invest in young people’s education, and their development. We can undoubtedly say that today’s young are tomorrow’s innovators, creators, builders and leaders.
St.Joseph's Group of Institutions sholinganallur, Chennai
We find ourselves amid the greatest information and communications revolution in human history and must take advantage of this rapid technological change to make the world more prosperous and inclusive.
Pondicherry Engineering College, Puducherry
With growing technology and thousands of students passing out of the colleges every year, there is huge skill gap in the industry requirement and academia output. With an objective to inspire the youth to tap the opportunities of the future digital world, ICT Academy organizes Puducherry Digital Youth Summit on 11th September, 2017. The objective of the Summit is to bring together the next generation of digital innovators in India, with a primary focus on technology, entrepreneurship, future of work and "tech for social" innovation.
ICT Academy organized Youth Leadership Summit, a premier leadership development summit for students from across the state to discover the leader within them, enhance their leadership skills and explore their future.
Innovation is the process of making lives better. Whether it is a small improvement for one person or a breakthrough for society, innovations pushes us to strive for a better future. In order to provide impetus to the economic growth of the country and its development, it is important to promote leading innovations which are cost effective and appropriate for our environment. Therefore, there is a need to encourage innovation amongst the youth to foster a knowledge economy in future.
CODISSIA Trade Fair Complex,Coimbatore
ICT Academy Youth Leadership Summit 2016 created a powerful learning experience for the youth that integrates inspiration, motivation and learning towards youth empowerment. The Summit is intended in creating tomorrow's leaders, by empowering today's youth.
Pondicherry Engineering College, Puducherry
Digital India has the potential to not just empower the common man in India, but also opens up lakhs of new opportunities to the youth community in diverse areas. The next few years will be exciting. Youth should grab the opportunities and make a best of the careers for themselves. With these growing opportunities from the vision Digital India, students of the nation should know how to equip themselves for the future
B.S.Abdur Rahman University,Chennai
ICT Academy Digital Youth summit’s main objective is to bring together the next generation of digital innovators in India, with a primary focus on technology entrepreneurship, on-line work and ‘tech for social’ innovation. The ICT Academy series of summit for the YOUTH has already become a reference event for the youth of the nation. The ICT Academy Digital Youth Summit will be based on three synergetic fundamentals of Digital Technology in Innovation and Entrepreneurship.
This leadership summit will invite students, educators, corporate management heads and government leaders from across the country and around the world will convene to demonstrate how young people View leadership to address some of the most challenging issues of this century, the achievement gap, the environment, and many others.
Raja Mutiah Hall, Madurai
This entrepreneurship summit will invite students, educators, corporate management heads and government leaders from across the country and around the world will convene to demonstrate how young people View entrepreneurship to address some of the most challenging issues of this century, the achievement gap, the environment, and many others./p>
Panimalar Engineering College,Chennai
ICT Academy Youth Technology Summit 2015 brings together graduating students in the state of Tamil Nadu who are aspiring to become the next generation IT Professionals and Innovators. ICT Academy Youth is an ongoing initiative of ICT Academy that aims to empower the students of the state in various industry required skills.
ICTACT Youth Summit was a platform for the Indian youth to sculpt their future that exposed them to interact with a varied cohort ofindustry leaders, experts, young achievers, successful entrepreneurs and peer group.