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The Massive Talkathon


Since 2014, the ICT Academy has been hosting the "ICT Academy Youth Talk" contest. Its primary objective is to foster the development of communication skills among students, who represent the future leaders of tomorrow. Over time, ICT Academy Youth Talk has grown into a cherished tradition among higher education students, as they engage in a friendly competition to showcase their public speaking prowess and enhance their leadership abilities. This initiative aims to recognize and empower young individuals who possess exceptional communication skills and leadership qualities, enabling them to inspire and influence their peers and the youth within their communities.

The Massive Talkathon

Talk Format

Inspiring Topic

The speaker has to choose a topic, which has a vital message to inspire the youth audience

Time Bound

The duration of the talk must be for a maximum of 10 minutes and the speaker has to deliver a power packed talk within the stipulated time.

Passion & Energy

The speaker is expected to exhibit passion, energy, attitude, skills and abilities to make the speech very interesting and effective.

The Massive Talkathon

Who Can Talk?

Student currently pursuing full-time Graduation / Post Graduation in ICT Academy member colleges in Karnataka.

If you think you can change the world with your powerful speech, then apply now!

The Massive Talkathon

How to Apply?

  1. Select a Topic
  2. Register online for the contest and you will receive the login credentials through email
  3. Prepare persuasive content in English
  4. Record a 3-minute video of your speech
  5. Upload the unedited video to your YouTube Channel (Mark it as 'Unlisted Video' while uploading)
  6. Update your YouTube video link with us, using the login credentials provided

Contest Process

The contests will happen in 6 regions namely Bengaluru, Mysuru, Davanagere, Mangaluru, Belagavi, and Kalaburagi.

Apply online

Students pursuing full-time graduation (UG/PG) in ICT Academy member institutions can register online along with a YouTube link containing a 3-minute video of his/her speech recorded.

Initial Screening

The top 100 will be shortlisted through initial screening in each region (based on a 3-minute video submitted by contestants through YouTube).

Regional Pre-Finals

Out of 100, the Top 10 will be shortlisted in regional pre-finals in each region. (Contestant should deliver 10-minute speech at Regional Partner College in front of jury members)

Regional Finals

One Regional Topper in each region will be identified in Regional Finals. In total, 6 toppers will be identified from 6 regions in the state.

Grand Finals

The top 6 will compete in the Grand Final and the winner will be recognized and awarded with a complimentary educational Tour to Singapore.

Judging Criteria

Selection of Topic

Quality of Content

Quality of the video submitted

Language proficiency

Abide by the timeline

The Massive Talkathon


The talk's success hinges primarily on the quality of the selected topic. It is crucial that the chosen topic allows for the display of excellent public speaking skills and has the potential to inspire the audience. While the talk's scope is not limited, it is essential to avoid political, religious, and other ambiguous subjects that may impact individual, personal, or social values. The Contest is conducted exclusively in English and Contestants must create their own talk, ensuring it is entirely free from plagiarism.

The following are some of the suggested topics, which you can consider:

  • The worldwide improvement in the standard of living is the reason of the damage to the environment.
  • Will the Internet bring people closer together?
  • Does modern technology make life convenient?
  • Was human life better or worse when technologies were simpler?
  • Computers are becoming better translators every day. Do children need to learn more languages?
  • In what ways has information technology changed the rules and working practices in the last 5 years?
  • We are becoming more and more dependent on computers. Is this dependence on technology good or bad?
  • TV and Mass Media: could we exist without it?
  • Nuclear power provides cheap and clean energy. Its benefits and disadvantages.
  • Technology is making communication much easier, but not in the sense of personal contact.
  • People prefer contacts through screens rather than face-to-face communication.
  • Will modern technology such as the Web ever replace the printed media as the main source of information?
  • My biggest concern for the future is...
  • Real wealth is never measured in money or possessions.
  • Conservation is survival.
  • Real love is not the stuff of pop songs
  • If I were an animal I'd be a...
  • Plants have feelings too.
  • Junk food's popularity relies on marketing.
  • To err is human. To forgive is divine. Discuss.
  • The world is a smaller place these days.
  • The more we communicate, the less we really say.
  • When I grow up...
  • To be grown up is a state of mind.
  • Goals are good for you.
  • The most important lesson of my life so far...
  • Intelligence is not enough.
  • If I ruled the world...
  • Color affects the way people feel.
  • Ill health begins in the mind.
  • Team sports build strong individuals.
  • Laughter is the best medicine.
  • Fools and their money are easily parted
  • Discipline is not a dirty word.
  • Beauty is always in the eye of the beholder.
  • Children learn what they live with.
  • Poverty is a state of mind.
  • Peace is possible.
  • Art is essential to life.
  • What characteristics make an ideal hero and why?
  • What and who is an average person?
  • Being young is over-rated. a good idea?
  • Does money make the world go round?
  • What human quality do we need more of and why?
  • Who has been the most influential person in your life and why?
  • How we look is unimportant. It's who we are on the inside that counts.
  • Fashion victims I have known.
  • Pets are for people who don't have children.
  • Summer is the best and worst of times. Why?
  • The media controls how and what we think.
  • Advertising targeting children is immoral.
  • Real learning doesn't occur in a classroom.
  • What would you rather be - wise or intelligent?
  • True wisdom comes from experience.
  • A sense of humor is essential.
  • Uniforms stifle individuality.
  • What is normal is decided by the society we live in.
  • Manners matter.
  • Children should not watch television.
  • Cities are for people not cars.
The Massive Talkathon

Instructions while making video:

  • Record your speech indoors with the best possible lighting
  • Create a clear presentation space. Remove all unnecessary or distracting items from the speaking background
  • Record the video in the plain background in a calm environment
  • Place the camera at a 5-7 feet distance from the speaker (if it's mobile)
  • Use the horizontal angle while recording
  • Record the video in a standing posture
  • Place the camera according to the speaker’s height and try to shoot without shaking
  • Try to shoot the video in calm surrounding to avoid noise
  • No cuts. No editing of the recorded video
  • Upload the final best video on YouTube and save it as an unlisted video

Rules and Regulations

  • Speech should be in English
  • Students those who won in the previous editions of ICT Academy Youth Talk are not eligible to participate; if found he/she will be disqualified
  • Topics chosen should NOT be controversial, political, or provoking
  • If the quality of the video and audio is not good the submission may get rejected
  • The video should be recorded indoors, in a calm environment with a plain background
  • The speaker should be in the standing pose
  • No additional photos, or external videos, should be embedded/shown in the submitted video
  • The 3-minute video should be recorded as a single shot with no editing or cuts
The Massive Talkathon

Prizes and Awards

First Place
Award + Certificate + Finalist for the Grand Finale with a chance to win a trip to Singapore
Second Place
Award + Certificate
Third Place
Award + Certificate
First Place
Complimentary Trip to Singapore + Award + Certificate + Title "ICT Academy Youth Icon
Second Place
Award + Certificate
Third Place
Award + Certificate
The Massive Talkathon

Important Dates

Dates will be announced shortly


Don't see your question here? Please, feel free to contact us at
  • 01. What is ICT Academy Youth Talk?
    ICT Academy Youth Talk is a speech contest for college students to express their ideas, through an inspiring and powerful speech to their peers, thus fostering leadership capabilities among college students.
  • 02. Who can apply for ICT Academy Youth Talk contest?
    The ICT Academy Youth Talk contest is for students pursuing full-time under graduate or post graduate in any discipline, from ICT Academy member institutions in Karnataka.
  • 03. What is the prize for the winner?
    The winner of the ICT Academy Youth Talk will be crowned as ‘ICT Academy Youth Icon of the State’ and awarded with a fully paid trip to Singapore.
  • 04. What are the stages of the contest?
    • The first level of screening - Online (upload a 3-minute video of their talk on YouTube and send us the link.)
    • The contest will be conducted in 7 regions viz., Chennai, Coimbatore, Madurai, Trichy, Tirunelveli, Salem, and Puducherry
    • The top 100 will be shortlisted in each region (online)
    • The top 10 will be shortlisted in regional pre-finals in each region. (Contestant should deliver 10-minute speech at Regional Partner College in front of jury members)
    • One Regional Topper in each region will be identified in Regional Finals and will be eligible to compete in the Grand Finals.
    • Toppers of all 6 regions will compete in the Grand Final and the winner will be recognized as ‘ICT Academy Youth Icon’ and awarded a complimentary educational tour to Singapore.
  • 05. Where can I get updates about the event?
    Check out for the updates in our social media pages